Interior and exterior painting

Our Interior Painting Process

Whether you hire us, or want to try your hand at painting an interior surface, following our process is the best way to get the results you desire. Why worry about following all the steps required when we have talented, experienced painters that can complete your interior painting job to the highest standard? This is the process we follow on all our interior painting projects to ensure each one meets our high standards.

Our Exterior Painting Process

Creating an exterior paint surface that will look fantastic and withstand the elements requires adherence to a strict set of guidelines. At The Painting Company, we have perfected this process. Our expert crews follow a precise method that is combined with high-quality paints and specialized techniques to ensure every exterior paint job meets our high standards and exceeds our customer’s satisfaction.

All furniture and blinds need to be removed away from the painting surface – you can elect to have us do this for you or you can save a little bit of money and do it yourself.

Any surface that will not be painted will be covered or masked off before the project. Plastic will cover any furniture or floors to eliminate possible damage.

Holes, cracks or missing texture will be repaired in drywall before the painting process begins.

The surface must be clean and dry before we begin – we will wipe down all surfaces to ensure the best paint adhesion.

Any cracks around baseboards, windows or doors will be re-caulked if necessary.

All loose paint will be scraped away and surfaces sanded where needed before we begin painting.

Typically, we spray ceilings first to apply an even coat, then paint walls with two coats of paint. We use 12” or 18” rollers, depending on the job, keeping a wet edge and rolling from ceiling to floor

Painting the edges and “cutting in” takes skill and experience to do it right. Our process uses slow, long strokes to get the best results.

All coverings and masking will be removed by our crews once the painting is completed. No mess will be left behind from our crews.

Every completed interior painting job is inspected for quality by the foreman of the crew and you will get a chance to review it before you sign off on the job.

A quality exterior paint job requires a clean surface. We power wash every exterior to remove loose paint, debris and dirt to ensure a durable, lasting finish. This is one of the most important steps – many of our competitors skip this crucial step which can lead to premature peeling of the paint.

Raking dirt away from the exterior walls and foundation is critical to ensure the paint goes below the ground surface. Trenching is completed on every exterior painting project to apply paint below the grade.

Windows and trim that will not be painted are masked off to protect the surfaces.

We use special coating called DRY-LOCK that waterproofs the foundation. This primer prevents peeling from moisture, which is common on moisture-rich foundations.

Any leftover peeling paint after the power wash is scraped away to create a smooth surface.

Any drywall on patios or stucco texture that needs repair is completed before the painting begins.

All cracks around windows, doors and fascia are caulked to seal these areas.

Every exterior has primer applied before the paint to create an adhesive surface. This is vital for long-lasting results.

For excellent coverage, we apply paint both horizontally and vertically. If your contract specifies we may also back roll or apply a full second coat as well.

We carefully apply two coats of paint to trim for the best results.

All doors are sprayed for a smooth finish.

Any metal or accents that need paint are done last using precise painting techniques.

Our crews never leave a mess behind. All coverings, masking, paint chips and other debris are removed once the job is completed.

The foreman for your crew will carefully inspect the completed project to ensure it meets our high standards before we ask you to review the work for a final sign-off at completion.